Are You Fit to Be Your Own Boss?

You’re sipping a piña colada on the beach while you’re deep into another Riley Sager thriller.  The sun is beaming down onto your skin while you contemplate how she’s going to escape the potential serial killer’s car you’ve managed to get into and are stuck with for another six hours.  You hear the waves in […]

What Lies Ahead for the Film Industry: Will Humans Forever Be Couch Potatoes?

The global pandemic of Covid-19 has caused a shift in how people go about their daily lives.  Some businesses could not afford to stay open and temporarily close while we saw some close their doors for the last time.  For a large portion of the pandemic, government mandates lead businesses to operate remotely.  People have […]

Are the Creative Industries Limited or Limitless?

Imagine a world without images, films and TV, radio and music, and performance and visual art. It sounds rather boring, doesn’t it? Now take away your freedom of entertainment and picture a world without things we don’t immediately consider creative: design, architecture, games, and fashion. You would be walking down the street without clothes surrounded […]