To The Internet and Creatives: An Open Rant About Getting No Collar Jobs & The Value of Creative Work

Preface Andrew Ross’s book Nice Work If You Can Get It was insightful and a very good read.  Ross studied job insecurity and the new trends of the workplace and did so at an emerging time.  He contrasts the sweatshop style labor to the new trending style of creatives in the U.S. This rant should […]

The Writers Strike of 2007-09: Is The Digital Revolution the Only Solution?

THE STRIKE – (Strikes Suck): The 2007-09 writers strike involving the WGAE and WGAW was a movement to gain better conditions for Hollywood screen and TV writers.  While I understand the desire and purpose for striking, and while writers and other no collar workers shouldn’t be exploited, I’ve always been confused as to why workers […]

Spike Lee VS Michael Rapaport: Gentrification and Do The Right Thing

Richard Lloyd does an excellent job in his book Neo-Bohemia, Art and Commerce in the Postindustrial City of being informative and academic on the issue of bohemian lifestyle.  Lloyd discusses the factors leading to urban neighborhoods becoming a center for artists to locate, focusing mainly on Chicago’s Wicker Park through the 90’s.  While Lloyd does […]

The Creatives Struggle To Balance Time: How Do You Do it? (I Don’t Know)

In his book War on Art by Steven Pressfield, he discusses our resistance to work through multiple lenses one of which is the constant checking of our cell phones.  This book is a must read for anyone in the creative field, especially writers.  In Richard Florida’s The Rise of the Creative Class he has a […]

Youtube Vs. Big Corporations: The Creation and Consumption of Content

In Tanner Mirrlees’ book Global Entertainment Media: Between Cultural Imperialism And Cultural Globalization he defines Cultural Imperialism (CI) and Cultural Globalization (CG).  Cultural Imperialism is essentially the idea that cultures that are less economically prominent rely on wealthy countries to produce their cultural media.  Cultural Globalization thus refers to the transmission of ideas and values […]

Genuine Art: Indie Films and Over Saturation of Film Concepts

What does it take to make a genuinely original film?  Hollywood’s [6] major studios constantly remake books and other pieces of media into film.  On top of that you have genuinely passionate screenwriters who essentially have no legitimate say in the creation of the film, due to producers directors etc. and who can barely make […]

Risking It All In Hollywood: Intense Hope That Success Is Around The Corner

Put yourself is James Cameron’s shoes for a minute.  Third highest paid director in Hollywood, with a net worth of 700 million, nothing compared to the two ahead of him being Spielberg and Lucas with 3 Billion (with a B, no typo) and 3.25 Billion respectively.  I’ll come back to this idea in a bit, […]

Internet Streaming Providers: Cable Cutters And Binge Watching

House of Cards, Orange Is The New Black, Arrested Development, Game of Thrones, The Wire, The Sopranos, True Detective and many more.  What do these shows have in common? These are just a few of the original series that are produced by internet streaming media providers (Netflix and HBO Go in this case).  In their […]

Are Creatives Really Just Cogs In A Machine?: Creatives vs. 9-5’ers

Last week I wrote a very negative post, looking at what it takes to break into the creative industry and maintain a stable living while remaining true to ones art form.  I referenced an article last week which I believed bashed the practicality of succeeding in the creative industry, and to an extent Mark Deuze’s […]

A Creative’s Struggle For Financial Security and Self Value: Breaking Into The Creative Industry

It’s not a secret that nothing is guaranteed in the creative field.  The industry is filled with sharks ready to cut you off at any minute for someone more “qualified” or someone with a more diverse skill set.  Davies and Sigthorsson’s article Introducing the Creative Industries: From Theory to Practice puts into perspective how important […]