Europe has it together.

Welcome! Ladies and gentlemen, welcome…to the last blog post of the FNMS senior seminar!! I considered titling this blog post: “How to read academic jargon without going crazy”, but then I realized that it was making me crazy… Some quotes from the past several weeks of Senior Sem to make you nostalgic: “Love is blind. […]

Copyright, Parodies, Remix.

Hey guys, remember Intro to New Media? Don’t you look back and sigh when thinking about how the homework for that class was read this article, pin a Pinterest pin, and “tweet about anything”? The class was often quote-worthy: “My $7.99 per month on Hulu… I don’t feel bad about that at all. It’s research.”-Stenger […]

No-Collar and Creative Advertising

Ross’ book, No-Collar gives an interesting point of view at a specific company that, in the 90s, was trying to reinvent the workspace and produce more creative work habits. Advertising played a big role in Razorfish’s existence. Ross writes that by the late 90s, “The word was out that it might just prove to be […]

Bohemia and Creative Industry: From Paris to Broadway

First of all, because of the title of this book, Neo-Bohemia, this song (turn it up!) was stuck in my head the whole time I was reading. It’s a different version than what you might expect… Last week in class, we talked about cities much in need of a makeover, which were then transformed by arts […]

Synergy and the CI Paradigm

Tanner Mirrlees defines cultural imperialism as a “paradigm in global media studies” that “focuses on communication and media entertainment as an instrument of one nation-state’s economic, geopolitical, and cultural power over others” (Mirrlees 21). He also gives examples of cultural imperialism: Wal-Marts in Mexico, Starbucks in Taiwan, etc. Mirrlees defines neo-colonialism as well, as “a […]

Even Straight-to-Video Flops Had Script Readers at One Point

As we know, the rise of television did not destroy the movie industry, but instead changed how the movie industries created their movies and advertised them. The rise of “New Hollywood” was marked by the premiere of Jaws (1975). In the 1980s, the number of movie screens and the amount of money movies were making […]

Hortense Powdermaker: Controversial and Outdated

This article put me in a bad mood. First of all, what cruel parent would ever name their child “Hortense”? “Hortense Powdermaker” looks like a name out of The Onion or… Matilda. I had never read an anthropological study of Hollywood before, but unfortunately found this one to be dated and dull. The section on […]

“Instead of grumbling and growling, do something about it.” ~Walt Disney

I particularly appreciated the real-life interviews, from real people who work in the media in Hesmondalgh and Baker’s Creative Labour: Media Work in Three Cultural Industries. The interviews make the idea of working in production seem more real. For example, on page 148, Ingrid, a managing director of an independent production company says: “I think […]

New Media: A Risky Business

The first thing I have to say about Deuze’s work is, it’s a “doozy”. 242 pages!? However, as college students, “not working” (or reading) “is abnormal” (Deuze 1). And as Film and New Media Studies majors, I agree that “the risk of finding a job has become a strictly individual risk” “marked by uncertainty” (1). […]