Adobe Max Conference: A Glimpse Into the Future

The year is 1996. It’s 3:00pm and you just came home from school, you’re extremely exhausted from sitting in classes all day, and you’re hungry. You walk into the kitchen and grab a fruit roll-up until dinner. While you’re in the kitchen you hear “All That’s” theme song playing in the background. You drop everything […]

Film & Television

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” As a child, my answer was, “I wanted to be an FBI Agent”. I was so obsessed with the idea of becoming an FBI agent that in high school, I took pre-law classes at NYU. My obsession for Political Science died after I took my […]

Are Video Games Art?

If you’re like me, then you have never considered or thought about whether or not video games are art. I was today years old when I had to thoroughly think about this question.  After careful consideration, I have come to the conclusion that video games are indeed art. Oftentimes we as consumers, reduce art to […]

Behind The Scenes of An Artist: Should You Worry?

Working in the creative arts field can be both rewarding and challenging. The entertainment industry is filled with artists who dedicate their lives to art but unfortunately don’t get far. Although there are a plethora of talented artists that don’t make it, there are also a handful of artists who do. Succeeding in the industry […]

Is Crime-town Binge Worthy?

Before the era of podcasts, consumers heavily relied and depended on receiving current news through the radio, the newspaper, and TV. Although there is a large demographic that still desire their news to be delivered in the form of a radio, newspaper, and TV, the sources of news outlets have adapted to mirror current times. […]

The Higher You Go, The Less Color You’ll See: Let’s talk About Diversity!

Do you remember when you were around the ages of either five or six and a random family member would stop and ask you “what do you want to be when you grow up” in hopes of you giving the likable response of wanting to be a doctor, lawyer, and/or police officer? Although, the intent […]

Everyone Loves Good Music: KPOP Edition

K-pop is by definition, a genre of popular music originating in South Korea. It is influenced by styles and genres from around the world, such as experimental, rock, jazz, gospel, hip hop, R&B, reggae, electronic dance, folk, country, and classical on top of its traditional Korean music roots. We can view the style of K-pop […]