“My name is Legion, for we are many”

Data is frightening, especially Big Data, and when you realize how it is used by so many…that’s the worst. However, there are not enough queries regarding whether or not it has to be this way. There is a constant identification of problems with little follow up. Are we bound to let ethical data usage slip […]

Dangerous Data

Data doesn’t tell stories on its own. It has to be aggregated, collated, formatted…and that’s where the danger lies. The potential for misuse and misinterpretation runs rampant when it comes to algorithmically assigned identities and massive indices. It is this kind of 21st century dilemma that John Cheney-Lippold brings up in We Are Data: Algorithms […]

To Regulate, or not to regulate

Information empires rise and fall in what seems like a continuous and never ending cycle, or so Tim Wu, author of The Master Switch, would argue. One truth of this cycle is that there is a constant battle between a desire by individuals or groups to regulate versus the want for an open, potentially “free,” […]

Virtual Playgrounds for the Self

What does it mean to be creative? Or, for that matter, to achieve literacy of any kind – or even to learn? Ken Robinson raises these questions, and more, in his TED talk on whether or not schools eradicate creativity as we grow older. He speaks about taking chances and being spontaneous as children, a […]

Embedded Learners

Amidst all the data, analyses, inferences, there are a few concepts which frequently appear: “embedded,” notions of literacy, and the discrepancies between graduates identities and perceived skill sets and those of employers. While studies such as “Digital technology and creative arts career patterns in the UK creative economy” and  “Creative work careers: pathways and portfolios […]