Learning from Adobe Session

I attended the “Learning Premiere Pro Basics in One Hour L572” class last week. Speaker is a Youtube Creator, and Premiere Pro Trainer, Josh Olufemii. During that session, it mainly focused on Premiere Pro interface, toolbar, and some basic video editing technology. I chose this course for two reasons. First, I am interested in video […]

The best seat, in the cinema or in the living room?

Before answering this question, one thing you need to know is that there were no wide screens in cinemas in the 1960s. The earliest TV sets used an aspect ratio of 4:3, which was almost the same as that of sound films. This meant that the films at that time could be broadcast on full […]

Video Games — New Art Form?

For a long time, people had different definitions of art and have formed a unity from the end. With the emergence of video games in the entertainment stage, the debate about “whether games are art” is becoming more and more intense amid the mixed praise and criticism of the unique appeal of games and their […]

The Relationship Between Art and Money

Some people say art is polluted with the contact of money. Others argue that art thrives with money. The relationship between art and money may be very complex. Real artists will never abandon their ideals to cater to the market, but how can artists talk about art without financial support? Without a little material support, […]