The Guild Strikes Back – The Writer’s Guild of America and Their Duty to Organized Labor

The writer’s strike of 2007 is one of the most discussed labor movements of the last 50 years. Why wouldn’t it be? Television has become such an integral part of the daily routine for millions of people around the nation, and the strike did so much to impact that routine. Do you see the problem […]

Join the Club: Guild Membership (and Its Perils)

Robert Rodriguez (And Frank Miller) The first film I can ever remember having a great desire to see theatrically was Robert Rodriguez’s Spy Kids. Rodriguez was a filmmaker I continued to follow as I matured; From Dusk til Dawn made a major impression on me, as did his book Rebel Without a Crew, detailing how he made El Mariachi on […]

Why are Writers Exploited for Their Work and Who is Supposed to Help?

For a long time, there have been creative people who make, write, or build art for the masses to enjoy, and also those who would seek to exploit them to profit off of that art. Over time these mediums have evolved and new ones have been created. In the modern age, it has become easier […]

HBO And The Film Industry: A Love Story

The first time that I watched an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm, I couldn’t stop laughing for the entire half hour. It was like watching an episode of Seinfeld with no restrictions on the writing or the characters’ actions. Never before had I seen a T.V. show that was so creatively free, and I would […]

Disruption of the Entertainment Industry

If you wanted to watch a movie right now, how would you go about it? Would you send a group text to see if anyone wants to go to the theater to see something new? Nah, then you’re just going to argue about which movie to see, decide on one that neither of you really […]

A Real Life Game of Monopoly

I consider myself a Disney fan. I grew up watching all the old 90s animated films, the cartoons, Disney Channel, heck I even went to Disney World…four times. But it never dawned on me how far-reaching the Walt Disney Company was in my media consumption until just a few years ago, when a new episode […]

Antitrust : Fighting Monopoly in the Age of the Oligopoly

Introduction: The entertainment industry of today is dominated by a handful of companies that act as an oligopoly. A driving force behind the evolution of the film and entertainment industry is it’s complicated relationship with the government and the consequences that resulted from this. Below is a brief history of the film industry with a […]

Viacom’s Empire History

Viacom is one of the top entertainment companies in the entertainment industry. Viacom began as a spin off media entertainment company from CBS in 1971. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Viacom was becoming bigger and bigger with the strategy of merging with other programs. During this time, Viacom owned television and radio stations as […]

“America for Sale!” or Japan was Engaging in Normal Mass Media Strategy but the U.S. is Racist

At the start of the 90’s, Hollywood was facing a crisis. For a long time, Hollywood had been alone (or at least thought it was alone) as a giant in the film industry, untouched by outside forces. Hollywood had become as American as apple pie. And yet, companies from across the globe were beginning to […]

If Video Killed the Radio Star, What Killed the Video?

  The near-extinction of Blockbuster came as a surprise for many. It wasn’t long ago that “Blockbuster was practically untouchable,” says Jennifer Holt, author of Empires of Entertainment: Media Industries and the Politics of Deregulation, 1980-1996. According to her, it once dominated the home video market, owning 25% of existing video stores and still earning […]