Borrowing and Stealing

The creative process is a term mentioned more frequently than any other term I’ve heard in the industry. Maybe that’s because the creative process is something you can’t really ignore. If you create, you have to go through this process, whether subconsciously or not.  Lately I’ve found myself in this period of artistic research. I […]

100 True Fans

The illusion of an art community. In Death of The Artist by William Deresiewicz, a recurring theme in the book is how to work with the modern media landscape to “make it” as an artist. And, of course, the following question is- “how do people make money from content?” Wire writer Kevin Kelly Says, “One […]

Always a Creative…

As a senior at Wheaton College, I am immediately immersed in the whirlwind of academics, social life, and my personal growth as an adult. However, only a few think of the extra layer of being an artist. It’s complex and sometimes even turbulent. As I’m sure many can attest, your Senior Spring semester is filled […]

Where Does It Come From, Where Does It Go?

How do I create? Same as anyone, I suppose: One idea at a time. A lot of times, I can trace the origins of my creative outbursts to music. Often, when I’m listening to a song, I can’t help but imagine how I would use it in a movie. If it’s in a story I’ve […]

Exploring the Creative Process

To me, the creative process is the most interesting part of art. A lot of the enjoyment I get out of listening to music or watching a film is thinking about how its many pieces came together to create something with the effortless illusion of being whole. The finished product only shows so much of […]

My Creative Process

The creative process is commonly broken down into five stages; preparation, incubation, insight,evaluation and elaboration. Personally I had never taken the time to understand how I went about creating pieces of art until I started researching these five stages. The more I read about the creative process and each of these stages, the more I […]