iPhone takes initiative in radical and disruptive innovation

In 2007, Apple introduced the world to the smartphone. The debut of the first-generation iPhone would prove to be a radical and disruptive innovation within the mobile phone industry, creating an entirely new market of users who expected a suite of features not available on traditional handheld devices that did not connect to the Internet. […]

Monopolizing Creativity

Recently, I came across a quotation that really struck me: “The outsider has nothing to lose” (20).These words belong to Tim Wu, author of The Master Switch: The Rise and Fall of Information Empires. The book outlines the arc of the information industry, beginning with the Bell Company and its subsidiary, AT&T. The reason these words […]

Innovation in a World of Corporate Greed

Our society has come a long way in regards to the formation of mass communication and new technologies. We now have access to incredible inventions, like virtual reality headsets or devices that allow us to access information within seconds, but we had to start somewhere to get where we are today. There were many brilliant […]

Doubt me, then Watch me.

Growth, whether it be personal, social, economical, political or physical happens every day. In our society growth is inevitable. People are exposed to new ideas and knowledge every day, which can sometimes lead to advancements. Innovation leads to ideas which can sometimes lead to inventions. Tim Wu’s novel The Master Switch: the Rise and Fall […]

The Outside Inventor

“The outsider has nothing to lose” (Wu, 20). It is just this mentality that Tim Wu maintains throughout most of his book, The Master Switch, describing the world’s most innovative tech inventors. Wu argues that these creators, the so-called “outside inventors,” function at a distance from business regulations, monetary pressures, and other conditions that affect […]

Disruption of the Entertainment Industry

If you wanted to watch a movie right now, how would you go about it? Would you send a group text to see if anyone wants to go to the theater to see something new? Nah, then you’re just going to argue about which movie to see, decide on one that neither of you really […]

If Video Killed the Radio Star, What Killed the Video?

  The near-extinction of Blockbuster came as a surprise for many. It wasn’t long ago that “Blockbuster was practically untouchable,” says Jennifer Holt, author of Empires of Entertainment: Media Industries and the Politics of Deregulation, 1980-1996. According to her, it once dominated the home video market, owning 25% of existing video stores and still earning […]