Gamers will not rise up.

In reading “Reality is Broken” I was struck by this quote, “If we take everything game developers have learned about optimizing human experience and organizing collaborative communities and apply it to real life, I foresee games that make us wake up in the morning and feel thrilled to start our day. I foresee games that […]

Games as Art, Games as Media

Despite my calling in the “film and new media world” being editing, video games are the medium I spend most of my time interacting with. Being involved in games for so long, a lingering and very tiresome discussion around the nature of video games as art arises regularly. While the readings on video games prepared […]

Life Simulation

In high school for one of my IT classes my teacher installed the Sims 3 for all the students in the class, this was a game for us to explore and the assignment was to build a two story house on the sims. For people who are not familiar with the Sims it is a […]

The Notion of Games as Art

In the first paragraph of our assigned reading for this week’s Senior Seminar, the subject of whether or not games are viewed as “art” is punctuated by a quote from the legendary film critic Roger Ebert, who is quoted as stating that “the nature of the medium prevents it from moving beyond craftmanship to the […]

Life is a Game that Needs Games

Everything or almost everything has gone virtual in the wake of Covid-19. But it is incredibly important to highlight that prior to Covid, games have always been a fundamental and constantly evolving component of life- in some form or another regardless of interests or originating circumstances.  While I don’t consider myself an avid gamer  at […]

Video games aren’t just for teen boys anymore…

The myth that teenage boys are the prime demographic developers look toward is gradually fading away. The way one would describe a video game 30 years ago is completely different than how one would classify a video game today. For example, what originated as a fun escape into traditional arcade games such as Ms. Pac-Man […]

Game developers looking at new ways to change the exploitative work culture

The global gaming market has grown exponentially over the years. In 2018 global games market was worth $138.5 billion. In 2 years the gaming industry has grown by over $20 billion dollars. With the global gaming market predicted to grow even further the competitiveness for jobs between developers are high. This steady growth of the […]

The Necessity of Game Developers Unions

Over the past few years, various gaming companies have been exposed for executing what is called a “crunch”, which is when a company makes its workers work exponentially increased hours per week with little to no extra pay in order to get the game out on time. The issue is rampant throughout the gaming industry, […]

The Last of Us Work So Well Together

In 2013, Naughty Dog and Sony Computer Entertainment partnered together to create The Last of Us. It was a story driven game about a cynical, grizzled smuggler named Joel and his newest cargo, 14 year old Ellie, traversing a world ten years after a mutated fungus kick started the zombie apocalypse. Despite the familiar premise, […]